Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Foundation Stones

I want to write about the night I accepted Christ. The experience God gave me was very vivid. I would need the absolute bedrock "I am saved" assurance later.

I had been attending church for several months at least. I'm pretty good at picking up people's language and etc. so I think I came across as a Christian when I actually wasn't. The pastor at the time must have bought my facade because he had me teaching an adult Sunday School class. But I was in church and I was listening to what was being said.

One night I was laying in bed listening to a tape. "Only by Grace" came on. "Only by grace can we enter. Only be grace can we stand. Not by our human endeavor, but by the blood of the Lamb. Into Your presence You call us. You call us to come. Into your presence you draw us. And now by Your grace we come. Now by Your grace we come. Lord if You marked our transgressions, who would stand? Thanks to Your grace we are cleansed by the blood of the Lamb."

As I listened to this song it hit me: I'm a sinner. Jesus died to save me from my sins. "Thank You. Thank You. Thank You." I just thanked and praised Him. What a revelation. What a gift. Wow.

Yeah, that's enough. I remember. Maybe I'll finish this some other time. I don't want to take away from the pure love, the great sacrifice, the miracle of moving from condemned to saved. Glory, glory, glory. Sweet, astounding, love.

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