"My name is Brant, and I'm on mind-altering drugs.
"Fluoxetine, to be exact. 20 mg a day. It's for my brain, which isn't normal. Or, perhaps it's very normal, given the millions currently taking fluoxetine, or its name-brand equivalent, Prozac. I've been taking fluoxetine for the past year."
I don't take Prozac. I take three other medications. I still deal with depression and anger and other nice little brain-twisters. But with the mind-altering drugs I am (comparatively) sane. I wonder some of the same things Brant wonders, though, about Christians taking drugs. Read his post "Is Jesus Enough?"
Someone replied to Brant's post with this "Some people just feel life deeper....It is like a burden that is almost too heavy to bear. Too many thoughts, too many feelings, too much for one person."
I feel that, but wonder if it's a cop out. Maybe everyone feels deeply. Maybe I just don't handle it as well as most people. Maybe that last is a beat-yourself-up thought. Maybe there is no telling.
I know people get sick of my negativity so I try not to talk to anyone if I can't be positive. (And you still get sick of it!) And I try to fake it and the more I do the better I get at it. Sometimes I hope if I fake it enough it will become real but it never does. I just get to walk around with this about-to-cry heaviness that turns to anger and sometimes-oh joy!-to giddy, need-speed, can't-shut-up happiness. And all this on drugs that control it!!
I feel pretty safe whining and feeling sorry for myself for a minute here because nobody reads my blog--that's okay, the same is true for most people and their blogs--but if by some chance you do read this don't hold it against me just this once, okay? Thanks.
whose to say what is sane and not, who is right and who is wrong, what is up or down or any other way to describe the human state. Love you